Option 1: Lockers are reserved via StudentLocker – no rental fee
For example, if locker rental is included in school fees.
You provide students with a special link and they go online and reserve a locker in StudentLocker. The app sends the student an email with the details.
Or you allocate lockers without any effort from students required.
StudentLocker will charge a fixed monthly fee for use of the app (get a proposal).
Option 2: Lockers are reserved/paid for via StudentLocker (most popular)
You provide students or parents with a special link and they go online and reserve and pay for a locker in StudentLocker. Test it out, to see how it works, you don’t pay anything until the first locker is rented out.
We will remit the collected fees, minus our charges, straight to your bank account at regular intervals. There is little effort required from your side*
Option 3: Lockers are reserved via StudentLocker, paid for via different channels.
You may already have a method of payment in place that you would like to continue.
Students or parents pay for the locker via your payment channel. Your locker administrator will register the payments in StudentLocker.
You provide students or parents with a special link and they go online and reserve a locker in StudentLocker. The app sends the student/parent an email with the details
StudentLocker will charge a fixed monthly fee for use of the app (get a proposal).
*You configure the app so that you pay via your own merchant account at Ezypay (the payment handler). Money will be remitted directly to your account from Ezypay. There are other options available, ask us for details.